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Why Salesforce users, admins and developers love using PDF Butler?

Easy Doc Gen Setup

Customers expect a personalized experience tailored to their needs and preferably in their language during each interaction with your company. With PDF Butler as your Salesforce document generation tool, you guarantee a fast and future-proof Go Live. Adding language preferences along the way is very easy with minimal configuration!

Doc Gen Challenges

Document generation challenges in Salesforce and products like CPQ, Billing, Sales Cloud, Field Service Lightning, ... will only increase. By avoiding long generation times and hard-to-maintain templates, you enable further personalization without jeopardizing the UX.

Drive Salesforce Adoption

Seeing is believing! Every employee who can put the customer at the center of his communication thanks to automated document flows, experiences efficiency gains every day. Being able to quickly set up & adjust these flows in all departments accelerates digital adoption considerably!

Evolving requirements

Start with quick and simple templates with standard & custom objects and gradually expand with, for example, logos, dynamic pictures, translation of picklists via the translation workbench, data from external objects, QR or barcode, ... Our roadmap is also determined by you!

Doc Gen collaboration

Working together on quotes, having the legal department process the necessary adjustments to general terms and conditions, these are just a few examples where PDF Butler can ensure efficiency gains as your document generation tool for Salesforce.

Real time demo on SFDC

We offer a Salesforce document generation tool that includes speed, durable and scalable performance and excellent support! Call +3233613530 or mail us to plan your real-time demo! Convince yourself and select the right document generation tool for Salesforce!

Discover PDF Butler Document Generation for Salesforce

We recommend discovering PDF Butler Document Generation for Salesforce during your selection and testing phase.
Also, discover the differences with your current DocGen solution in this way!
Choose from the options below.

Contact: schedule a free demonstration and discussion of your current business requirements.
Explore further by doing it yourself through our academy
Collaborate on a PDF Butler DEMO on your Sandbox or a guided proof of concept, based on your business requirements!

Why choose PDF Butler?

Highly reliable

Real-time, blazing fast and highly scalable.

Authoring in Word

Build great documents in hours and change them when you want!


Use our App or our very easy API's.

Made with Love

PDF Butler was made with love to deliver the best service, companies today have to be "always-on"!


Pay-as-you-go, elastic & Highly scalable.


Authenticated, encrypted and verified.

Just a few of our features

Supporting simple to highly complex data models
use data from multiple layers deep without running into Salesforce limits.
Multi-language, multi-locale & multi-currency
use your customer regional settings to communicate in their own language.
Re-usable templates (static + dynamic)
huge time gains in setup and maintenance of templates.
Page numbering (even with templates)
table of content, page numbers that always match without blank pages and spaces!
Repeatable table headers
for tables spread over several pages, the table headings can be automatically repeated on every page!
Complex grouping scenarios
by supporting tables in tables, you can easily display product families or product groups clearly.
Headers & footers
being able to compile well-arranged documents whereby headers and footers continue to run correctly.
Criteria to in/exclude parts of your document
for example automatic reductions for existing customers or for renewals, adding T&C when ready to sign, contract sections ...
Dynamic file names
use meaningful subjects in e-mails and file names of documents depending on SFDC data.
Pictures (static + dynamic)
the right image at the right time and depending from Salesforce (files, attachments or documents), everything is possible! Even in headers and footers!
Bulleted or numbered lists
summaries, various options, activities, overviews to be used in offers, reports, contracts, evaluations,... everything is easy to compile and generate!
adding watermarks to PDF documents is possible in various ways. Checkbox in CPQ, dynamically loadable in Sales Cloud, ...
ready for any channel, device, application.
Document merging
create 1 professional-looking customer-oriented document (with page numbers) from multiple reusable individual templates.


There are 2 ways to operate PDF Butler as shown below. Both can be used next to each other and can use the same configuration to assure that you can provide the same experience in every channel.



Create instant e-docs in your one-2-one customer interactions. It does not matter if this through your sales department, via a mobile device or through your website.



You need to create a large amount of e-docs at a specific moment and in a specific time-frame. Go for our Bulk solutions. PDF Butler spins up an environment that scales at your needs and delivers.

Built with omnichannel in mind

PDF Butler is built with omnichannel in mind and centralizes the creation of electronic documents so your customers get the same experience from every channel. In the example below, a customer can order via telephone or via your website.

PDF Butler Omnichannel


Steven Desmet

Steven Desmet

IT Director at FCR Media Belgium

Users are satisfied with the excellent performance, as pdf’s are now generated in 1-3 seconds maximum instead of 10-30 seconds. The tool is easy to use and creating new templates is easy to do
Steven Danschutter

Steven Danschutter

Freelance CRM consultant

It's worth noting that even the more complex documents & contracts can be generated with PDF Butler. Combine this with the highly responsive customer support at PDF butler and you get a working solution...

Tell us your wishes and we will contact you!

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